The Applied Laser and Photonics Group (AG alp) is part of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences of the University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg.
Students from the courses of electrical engineering and information technology, mechatronics and industrial engineering will be able to expand their skills in the fields of laser technology, optoelectronics and photonics.
The work group is distinguished by a practice-oriented and interdisciplinary research in the fields of laser technology, photonics and additive manufacturing. For applied research and development projects, the execution of final theses as well as practical teaching events, modern equipped laboratories are available.
At the Center for Scientific Services (ZeWiS) at the University of Applied Sciences Aschaffenburg at the Industriecenter in Obernburg, the AG alp is represented by the Laser Application Center (LAZ), the Center for Additive Manufacturing (ZAF) and the Open Innovation Lab (OIL). As a result, AG alp offers a practice-oriented interface between industry and research.
On the homepage of ZeWiS you will find further information about the research facility at the ICO in Obernburg.